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Tag: North America

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Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau s’entretient avec la présidente élue du Mexique, Claudia Sheinbaum

De: Premier Ministre du Canada 3 juin 2024 Ottawa (Ontario) Aujourd’hui, le premier ministre Justin Trudeau s’est entretenu avec la présidente élue du Mexique, Claudia Sheinbaum, pour la féliciter de sa victoire à l’issue des élections présidentielles au Mexique. Il a également félicité le peuple mexicain d’avoir élu la toute première femme présidente. Le premier ministre et […]

June 3, 2024

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with President-elect of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum

From: Prime Minister of Canada June 3, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, to congratulate her on her victory in Mexico’s presidential elections. He also applauded the people of Mexico for electing their first woman President. The Prime Minister and the President-elect discussed areas of […]

June 3, 2024

Statement regarding Ecuador’s unauthorized entry into Embassy of Mexico

From: Global Affairs Canada Statement April 11, 2024 – Ottawa, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada Global Affairs Canada today issued the following statement on the unauthorized entry by Ecuadorian authorities into the Embassy of Mexico, in Quito, Ecuador, on April 5, 2024: “Canadian officials have reviewed in detail the footage of the unauthorized entry by Ecuadorian […]

April 11, 2024

Minister Blair participates in Fifth North American Defence Ministerial meeting

From: National Defence News release February 22, 2024 – Toronto, Ontario – National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, met virtually with U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III, Mexico’s Secretary of Defence (SEDENA), General Luis Cresencio Sandoval González, and Mexico’s Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR), Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán, for the fifth trilateral […]

February 23, 2024

Declaration of North America (DNA)

January 10, 2023 Mexico City, Mexico Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and President Joseph R. Biden met in Mexico City for the tenth North American Leaders’ Summit (NALS). The leaders are determined to fortify our region’s security, prosperity, sustainability and inclusiveness through commitments across six pillars: 1) diversity, equity, and […]

January 10, 2023

North American Environment Ministers Launch Ambitious Agenda for Environmental Cooperation

2022 CEC Ministerial Statement “North American Environment Ministers Launch Ambitious Agenda for Environmental Cooperation” Within the framework of the free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States (CUSMA, T-MEC, USMCA) and the Environmental Cooperation Agreement, the environment ministers of Canada, Mexico and the United States convened for the 29th Council Session of the Commission […]

July 15, 2022
